random ramblings — hudson valley photographer

I woke up this morning to the covers pulled up tight around my neck. There’s a very distinct feel and smell of fall in the air today … and I have mixed emotions about it. On the one hand, I’m just not done enjoying the beautiful wildflowers, swimming for hours in the lake near my home, and chowing down on fresh veggies from my garden. On the other hand … fall is pretty magical. (By the way, I’ve got two fall mini photo sessions this year … one in the Hudson Valley area and one in Delaware.)


I created the double-exposure photo above a few minutes ago with my totally lame camera phone after seeing the recent Lemonade and Lenses cover, which just so happens to be a double-exposure. I’ve got no makeup and unbrushed hair. Buuuuut, I did sit in front of the window fan to give my hair fancy little blow ; )


Have you ever created a BUNCH of text that just flowed out of your mind … only to (in one way or another) lose that text? You then stare at the blank screen and have no idea how you’re going to start over because you have NOTHING left to say. That happened to me the other day while I was writing the text for one of my recent eletters. (By the way, you should sign up for my eletters! I share all kinds of tips, tricks, and specials!) I was so frustrated that I had to wait a few days before I could rewrite the content.


I’m gearing up to put out a whole slew of video content for current and future clients. I have all kinds of PDFs and blog posts that I send people when they need help figuring out what to wear … and when to book a session. But these days, people prefer videos. I’ve been wanting to do this for about two years now … I’ve just been waaaaaay too chicken to stand in front of the camera. The time has come, however. So, stay tuned : )


I decided to try intermittent fasting. Not for weight purposes (of course, if 20 pounds came off, I’d be happy : )). But I heard that it can make a dramatic effect on your sleep cycle. And since sleep has not been my friend this last year or so, I’m willing to try ANYTHING that can help me sleep better. I’m on day two of a 15:9 schedule. Meaning, I eat for 15 hours, fast for 9. Meaning, I’m not even tough enough to try the lowest recommend fast, the 16:8, lol. I stop eating at 9 pm, and start at 12 pm. I told myself I’d try it for a week … but we’ll see if I can make it. I’m super lightheaded in the mornings (which is supposed to happen and then stop after a few days), but I’m also STARVING after I eat at noon. I feel like I’m hungrier after I eat than before. Which is weird. And there’s probably a blood-sugar related reason behind the problem. And maybe it will balance out. I did, however, sleep pretty well last night. So, the experiment continues. Anyone out there ever gotten really good at intermittent fasting? Any idea why I’m hungrier after I eat than before?


I’m off in a few moments to photograph a family at Mohonk. I love meeting clients there. It’s a beautiful place for photos. And it’s one of my favorite areas to drive around in.

Thus ends my random chatter. Thanks for listening : )


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