Two powerful videos

Today, I saw this video on Facebook, and it’s a little bit hard to watch. But considering the fact that every 10 days a child dies from vehicular heatstroke in the US alone, it’s a message that needs to be spread.

Since 1998 there have been 575 deaths.

73% were children under the age of 2.

I don’t have children. So when I watched this video, it was the role of the passerbys that really struck me. Two people came by, saw the baby, were concerned … but did nothing. Eventually, someone came along who took action. It made me wonder … what would I have done? And that lead me to the following video of an experiment that asks the question: “What do people do when the walk right by an urgent situation?”

Please share. Life is precious. We can’t always control things … tragedies strike. But this is one tragedy that doesn’t have to ever happen. And may we all be alert and take action if ever we come across a situation like this.


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